
vos projets

Réseaux VRD
Location d'engins et de bennes
Livraison de matériaux
Construction ossature bois
Charpente bois
Couverture tuiles zinc
Clôtures Portails
Béton armé


construction piscine béton monobloc
construction piscine béton monobloc
mini pelle pose cuve récupération eau de pluie
mini pelle pose cuve récupération eau de pluie
clôture bois sur mesure
clôture bois sur mesure
terrassement mur soutènement béton
terrassement mur soutènement béton
terrassement piscine mini pelle
terrassement piscine mini pelle
construction charpente bois chevrons
construction charpente bois chevrons

Nos réalisations

dalle béton armé pompe toupie
dalle béton armé pompe toupie
canalisation assainissement réseau
canalisation assainissement réseau

Avis Clients

Ils nous ont fait confiance

L'équipe de Xbtp a réalisé un travail exceptionnel sur notre projet de maçonnerie.

Two construction workers are engaged in roadwork, surrounded by rubble and debris in a city environment. Scaffolding lines the building behind them, with signs indicating ongoing repairs. Traffic cones and barriers are positioned around the work area.
Two construction workers are engaged in roadwork, surrounded by rubble and debris in a city environment. Scaffolding lines the building behind them, with signs indicating ongoing repairs. Traffic cones and barriers are positioned around the work area.


Nous avons été ravis de la qualité des travaux d'aménagement extérieur effectués par Xbtp. Leur professionnalisme et leur attention aux détails sont remarquables.

A construction site with multiple concrete formwork structures in place. Metal braces and supports are prominently visible, ensuring the stability of the forms. Concrete foundations and vertical columns are being prepared, with a mix of exposed rebar and newly laid concrete. The overall environment appears organized and active, reflecting ongoing building activities.
A construction site with multiple concrete formwork structures in place. Metal braces and supports are prominently visible, ensuring the stability of the forms. Concrete foundations and vertical columns are being prepared, with a mix of exposed rebar and newly laid concrete. The overall environment appears organized and active, reflecting ongoing building activities.

La Celle St Cloud
